

Dear friends,
This report captures a snapshot of the work we have accomplished during 2020-2021, The Covid Years. As the most recent surge passes and we think, again, about what a new normal will be, we are also keenly aware of the trauma that we all carry from this pandemic. Not just because of COVID-19, but the glaring inequities that it has revealed. In the USA, we face increased community violence, cries for racial reckoning and rethinking of policing and justice, and heightened awareness of long-established inequities. In Central America, we confront fragile democracies, constant migration and family separation, and the legacy of colonization and marginalization.
Trauma has become a buzzword, but also has become key to understanding how each of us is surviving the uncertainty, inconsistency, and isolation of this moment that has been two years long. It’s a lens to better understand the individuals and communities that ConTextos has always served⎯youth and adults at the margins, those whose stories and experiences are often excluded and ignored.
At ConTextos, we’ve been using a trauma-informed lens long before COVID. Now, our work has renewed urgency because we all understand how paralyzing trauma can be, and the hurt that is inflicted and exacerbated by institutions and routines we used to trust. In this report, you will read about how our trauma-sensitive approaches respond to the roots and fruits of trauma in order to help reduce harm, foster healing, and promote self-actualization.
With your support we have humbly been able to accompany those who bear the greatest wounds at a time of so much hurt for all of us.
With love and gratitude,

In this report, we look back at 2020-2021, the Pandemic Years, describing our programs according to how they address the fruits of trauma, but trauma is complex and so are our engagements⎯no program responds to just a single reaction of trauma, even if that’s how we explain them in this digital report.
This 2-year report aims to describe ConTextos work through a trauma-informed lens, to understand how we use the power of narrative, story, literature and dialogue to address the complex roots and fruits of trauma. It’s also the first time we are presenting our results as a transnational organization, not separated by site. The numbers we reach are such a limited way to view our impact. As you scroll through, we emphasize only some of the dozens of initiatives we’ve led during the pandemic using the lens of practice and not the timeline of the pandemic.
ConTextos got two new homes, in Utila, Santa Tecla in El Salvador and, thanks to a visionary funder, at 2240 S Michigan in Chicago’s historic Motor Row.
We also expanded our impact to reach young across the region!


Resources: World Map Vectors by Vecteezy

Not “What’s wrong with you?” but
"What happened to you?"
We know that seemingly senseless behavior is not random. Personal and community history shape current and future behavior. At ConTextos, we guide individuals and communities to make meaning of their histories and redefine their present.
Research shows us that trauma splits life into two. Before, there is wholeness; after, there is fracture. Before, there was a sense of connection, safety, dignity. After, there is fear, grief and despair.
ConTextos' work aims to excavate the roots of our trauma by learning to articulate what we have experienced. Where there is isolation, we build connection. Where there is despair, we foster hope. Where there is grief, we promote healing. When traumatic experience hardens identity and cements resilience, we provide support to bring softness and vulnerability.
All of Contextos programs respond to the different ways that individuals experience trauma and other forms of significant adversities. We explore, not only the consequences of these traumatic experiences, but also their roots and means of perpetuating themselves. We foster the necessary emotional safety so that this level of deep reflective exploration can be done courageously. The vast majority of those we work with have been victims of violent trauma. Some have also perpetuated acts of violence. Our job is to remind those we serve and ourselves as facilitators, that violence does not have to define us, though it may transform us. We channel the pain into purpose
“I think of the healing of trauma as a dynamic process which affects up and down the intergenerational line,” explains Dr. Selena Sermeño, psychologist and expert on trauma and restorative practices. “Growing new roots and claiming elements of our past helps us survive and thrive.”

PROGRAMS IN 2020-2021
Scroll left or right to see more.


2020-2021 DONORS
Foundation, Corporate, and Government Funders
Alcaldia Municipal de San Martin
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
Apple, Inc.
Arts Work Fund for Professional Development
Asher, Gittler & D'Alba Ltd.
Banco Davivienda Salvadoreño S.A
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Benevity Community Impact Fund
BLP Abogados
The Carrot Concept
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
City of Chicago Biz Strong Grant
The Chicago Community Trust
Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Chi-Ron Foundation
Cinemark El Salvador Ltda. De C.V
Colegio Internacional de San Salvador, S.A.
Creative Associates International, Inc.
The David and Reva Logan Foundation
Echoing Green
Fidelity Charitable
FLACSO El Salvador
Focus on Health
Focus Central America
Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia
Fundación Aldea Infantil Pestalozzi
Fundación Caoba
Fundación Gloria de Kriete
Fundación Calleja
Fundación Herberth De Sola
Fundación Izote
Fundación Jóvenes por una América Solidaria
Fundación De Sola
Fundación POMA
Greenhouse Group, LLC
Hábitat para la Humanidad El Salvador
Heestand Foundation Inc.
Illinois Arts Council Agency
Illinois Department of Human Services-Healing Illinois
Illinois Humanities
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Kovler Family Foundation
The MacArthur Fund for Culture, Equity, and the Arts at Prince
Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Patricia Price Peterson Foundation
The Poetry Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation, Inc.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Ltda. De C.V.
Prince Charitable Trusts
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Ross Family Foundation
Ruca Foundation
Schwab Charitable
El Tamarindo, S.A. De C.V.
The Strachan Foundation
Tengelsen Family Foundation, Inc.
Tutta Bella, S.A De C.V
United Way Metropolitan Chicago
The Whitehead Foundation
The Winters Group Fund to Promote Diversity & Inclusion at Rochester Area Community Foundation
The Zemurray Foundation
2V Trading El Salvador, S.A De C.V
Individual Donors
Abby Agnew
Adria Aguado
Javier Alfaro and Minina de Alfaro
Diane Altkorn
Eduardo Alvarenga
Maria Elena de Alvarez
Anna Amato
Ben Amchin
Elizia Artis
Nelson Iván Lara Asunción
Richard Badger
Betsy Banks
Andrew Barash
Anthony Barash and Terri Hanson
Matt Barash
Alison Bean
Ronald Beer
Tanya Beer
Raul Benitez
Edwin H and Andrea F Benn
Martin Berger
Andrew Blanco and Sharyl Wong
Maria Pilar Blanco and Conor Power
Daniel Blumenthal
Julian Blumenthal
Maria Carolina Bodewig
José Raúl Trujillo Bonilla
Marigny Bostock
Lisa Brosig
Timothy Buckley and Kelly Marie Leroux
Maria Calzadilla
Gabriel Cardenal
Dori Caruso
Duane Castaldi
Ricardo Cevallos
Rabbi and Ms. Adam and AJ Chalom
Alexandra Chamorro
Mary Helen Chappetto
Chhamthyda Chhuan
Kate Cohn
Edward Cooper and Patricia De Biasi
Juliette Cordova
Jennifer Coreas
Jenna Craig
Kathleen Davin
Mary Drout
Gloria and Pete Dusenberry
Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule
Emily Ente
David and Deborah Epstein
Michael Erdman
Rachel Erdman
Julie Ertz
Robin Fellers
Jason Fenster
Joyce Feuer
James Flynn
Larry Ford
Paul Francis
Deborah Franczek
Daisy Gamboa
Concepción Eugenia Ghiringnello
Gina Marta Ghiringnello
Rebecca Ginsburg
Carol Gittler
Debra Gittler
Pamela Gittler
Irene Glasner
Lindsay Goldner
Leah Graham
Marilynn and Ron Grais
Dan Grant
Andy Greene
Charles and Jill Gross
Monika Gude
María Marta de Gutierrez
Stephen Hagan
Joshua Hahn
Edward Hamburg
Anne Hand
Pati Heestand
Katie Hill
Marvin Hoffman
Kathleen Hogan
Tracey Horwich
Lisa Hurwitz
Eric Iwamoto
Jenny Eva Jacobs
Francesca Jessup
Nancy Jones
Ianna Kachoris
Thea Kachoris-Flores
Cathy Kahn
Eleanor Kahn
Ethan Kahn
Suzy Kahn Weinberg
Arnold and Carol Kanter
Meg Katz
Carri Kaufman
Hal Kaufman
Leonard Kazmerski
David Kelly
Michiko Kobayashi
Molly Bett Kolver
Robert Lawson
Jonathan Ledsky
Molly Lee
Jerrica Liao
Elidia Margarita Lindo
Wai Ling
Catherine Luchins
Gabrielle Lyon
Pavan and Thyda Makhija
Suzanne Malec-McKenna
Alan Martin
Florence Mathies
Darlene McCampbell
Paul McCarthy
Max Mearsheimer
Alejandra Mejia
Miguel Armando Paniagua Melendez
David and Carol Mersky
Abby Meyer
David Minkus
Kristie Monast
Miss Georgia Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy Barash and Art Murphy
Joel Newton
Eleanor O'Donnell and Mr. Matt Webber
Michelle Oberman
Gail Okin
Carroll Oynes
Jimena Paredes
Jose Paredes Piñeda
Gwyneth Parmar
Saleem Hue Penny
Adan Perez
Gabriela Poma
Karina Provost
Daniela Raffo
Richard Ramsay
Gloria Raskosky
Douglas and Mikele Rauch
Amelia Rayno
Jon Reid
Katarina de Regalado
Maria-Paula Regalado
Miguel Regalado
Eduardo Reyes
Keisa Reynolds
Zoila Elizabeth Recinos Rivas
Art Robinson
Daniel Robinson
Vera Lee Robinson
Sara Rodríguez
Kristin Rosekrans
Carlos Palacios
Ginger Romero Pardlo
Lorna Paredes
Gloria Raskosky
Lucía Raskosky
Ariel Rudolph
Anne Ruelle
Reyna Santillan Santillan
Kyla Saphir
Rebecca Scharf
Donna Schatt
Elizabeth Schonenberg
Dr. Katy Scrogin
Steven Scudder and Donna Palley
Selena E Sermeno
Priya Shah
Meghan Shehorn
Barbara and Michael Simon
Laura Singer
Barbara Sitrin
Deborah Sitrin
Tracy Slutzky
Amena and Philip Smith
Sara Sol
Glen Spear and Myra Wagner
Sherri Spear
Scott Stiffle
Susan Stone
Verna Stovall
Siri Striar
Nick Summers
Linda Swift
Karyn Karyn Taeyaerts
Wade Thomson
Martha Trueheart
Harald Uhlig
Lisa Vahey
Victoria Varney
Ryan Volsen
Merrilee Waldron
Patricia Washington
Mary Wasmer
Eleanor Weber
Mallory Weber
Marisa Wexler
Sandy Wilder
Joe Yuan
Mike Zee
ConTextos El Salvador
Final 8a. Calle Ote. #38 Colonia Utila, Santa Tecla, El Salvador